The Response to Google's 7 Year Pixel Update Promise is Getting Weird to – 151 points –
The Response to Google's 7 Year Pixel Update Promise is Getting Weird

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I dunno, I kinda don't disagree with them. Companies discontinue products all the time, and Google just seems to get a lot more flak for it.
Apples discontinued the iPod, and a bunch of different hardware devices. I'm about as worried that they'll discontinue the iPhone as I am that Google will discontinue the pixel line.

Google discontinue a lot more than almost anyone else though. It’s a meme at this point how often they kill things off. Does a website like this exist for any other company?

Well, no, but that doesn't mean that it's an accurate assessment.
Additionally, have you ever actually read what they put on that site? If Google changes the name of a product, then they "killed" the original. If they merge a product into another, then they killed one or both.
Did you know they killed Google street view? It's now just a tab in maps. They also at one point had "leaving reviews of businesses" as a separate system, which they also killed by making it a core feature.

But yes, Google does kill more products than some other companies. They also make more products available than others. Apple has never developed a car, a series of bipedal robots, or blood sugar monitoring contact lenses.

So yeah, it's a meme. I don't generally take memes as honest statements of fact.

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I'm not sure I get your point, people should not doubt Google's promise not because they don't discontinue product but because everyone does?

I think more Pixel's a true flagship product. Big Tech corps are always launching likely contenders, then they evaluate them over time and if the benefits don't realize or they find a better product it gets discontinued.

But some products are proven. The only way Alphabet and Apple would discontinue their flagship phones is if there's some kind of mass turn away from mobile phones. Same as how Alphabet is not going to exit the search engine field.

More that the concern feels hyperbolic. You should feel as much concern of Google canceling a flagship product as you do about apple doing so. I don't see iPhones, pixels, or say, Kindles going anywhere soon.
It just doesn't feel like a reasonable concern, proportional to how much attention it gets.

I doubt people takes apple claim for granted either, they do have a class action lawsuit due to them volontarily throttling their phones.

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