TikTok-Famous Police Chief Swapped Incest Vids on Secret Twitter Account: Feds

stopthatgirl7@kbin.social to News@lemmy.world – 288 points –
TikTok-Famous Police Chief Swapped Incest Vids on Secret Twitter Account: Feds

Joel Justice Womochil went by “@ictbaddad” on the social media platform now known as X, with a profile picture of “Pedobear,” prosecutors say.


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Like, ok, everyone has their kinks. Who am I to judge. But using, of all things, TWITTER to share porn? Wtf

Edit: ok it was child porn, much worse than incest. But my point generally stands. Why tf would anyone use twitter of all things to share illegal files?

You may want to read more than the headline..

It's much worse than it sounds.

Probably he didn't think he is in danger of being persecuted while being a cop? I wouldn't be surprised if he used his phone to register an account.