Isreal's Security cabinet approves declaration of war to World – 282 points –

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Wonderful. Now we have two wars that just happen to rile up needless political grandstanding for the uninvolved to fight over, so we wont have to think about the millions of innocents killed in the fighting.

Or any really important issues at home.

I dunno, I do sort of think that the deaths of innocent men, women, and children who lived between two warring nations is a big enough deal for us to set down our current affairs.

Im pissed that instead its going to be used as a proxy argument for ongoing at home political pissing matches.

This should make us pause our issues at home. Instead, its going to be used as fuel for the issues at home.

While millions die.

That's actually a pretty privileged pov. The hierarchy of need isn't very forgiving. When you can't feed your kids, or yourself, it's hard to give all your attention to a war going on across the world. Which is why US leaders should be leading the US first, instead of dragging foreign wars into their debates so they can try to get political points before an election.

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