Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’ to World – 229 points –
Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’

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Egypt and Israel have a long standing cooperation in intel and security. Egypt telling them this isn't some whisper by an anonymous source.

Shit happens. Zelenskyy also didn’t believe the US when he was warned against repeatedly about Russian invasion until it was too late.

I am not defending the Israeli government, in fact I think that this is entirely possible. I am just stating a fact.

I'm of the mindset Zelinskyy absolutely knew, but purposefully kept denying it was close on the horizon to calm his people and also not be accused of saber rattling. It was a de-escalation and obfuscation tactic in my opinion and I think it sort of worked to the ends he intended in subtle ways. Ain't no way you see that many troops massed at your border and think "Putin? That guy's chill. He just doing some exercises. He wouldn't be planning to invade me on the heels of an Olympic closing... Again."

There is a full on "fear of chaos" happening. Nothing can be happening without some intention. People can't fail, procedures can't fail an information can't be lost or misinterpreted. There must always be an all-knowing, bad actor failing on purpose.

Egypt telling them this isn’t some whisper by an anonymous source.

Maybe my wording is not that clear, but I am just responding to this part of the article where the source for the story is clearly mentioned as an anonymous source.:

“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the content of sensitive intelligence discussions with the media, told The Associated Press.

Depending on how you're interpreting this:

  1. Anonymously talking with the media doesn't mean they were anonymously talking with Israel

  2. Maintaining public anonymity does not mean the press didn't know who they were, and could verify that they knew what they were talking about.

I do agree that it's useful to maintain a certain level of skepticism... but that doesn't mean complete distrust of anything you're told. It's not unreasonable that Egypt had intel that an attack like this was coming, or at the very least that extremist elements were reaching a breaking point and something extreme was going to happen soon.