Does Hexbear mandate all users to specify their preferred pronouns? to No Stupid – 42 points –

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Remember that back there I specifically stated that I prefer having people talking with me rather than about me?

That's pretty much it. I dislike talking about others. I have full capacity and interest to talk about topics or specific subjects but I make my best effort to abstain from talking about others.

And I'm happy as it is. I feel no need to justify myself for being as I am and I take no ill will against those who dislike or don't understand why I act in the fashion I do.

I do not need to take part in every conversation in the world, be it personally or by proxy. And even if someone feels the deep need to - and I can't fathom why would that happen - quote me, it/he/she/they are not necessary to do so.

All of this stemmed from me making a remark about myself - a fully self contained issue - and look where we find ourselves now. And with no need for pronouns.

No one said anything about you until you made your strange comment.

Yes, everyone already seems fully aware of that.

Then what was the point of your comment?

Did you just feel like saying something regardless of the conversation everyone else was having?

Why? Lol