Does Hexbear mandate all users to specify their preferred pronouns? to No Stupid – 42 points –

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Every person on the face of this planet deserves to be happy. Besides that, nothing to add.

Whatever you say.

You made a remark, I gave a clarification.

If it is not to your liking, tough.

Stop using pronouns bruh. Irmoz doesn't like them

I'll take that into consideration from now on.

qyron just used another pronoun. Nasty qyron

Really nasty individual. Unbearable.

It's true, qyron is unbearable

Sabes, estou aborrecido desta troca inútil de palavras vazias de significado. E boa sorte para conseguires que um tradutor te consiga traduzir isto correctamente. Porque se o fizer, vais perceber que estive este tempo todo a falar sem fazer uso dos tão preciosos pronomes que parecem ser sacrossantos para guerreiros da justiça social na net.

Grande abraço, fica bem.