House speaker live updates: Republicans nominate Scalise to be the next speaker to politics – 104 points –
House speaker live updates: Republicans nominate Scalise to be the next speaker

Rep. Steve Scalise, of Louisiana, defeated Rep. Jim Jordan, of Ohio, for the Republican nomination to be House speaker and replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.


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Do we really need to be using ableist slurs like this? Cmon.

"Fucktard" is an ableist slur? Not sure I'm following. Oh, because it's similar to "retard?" So "fuckwad" is okay then?

Yeah it’s not the same as just outright saying “retard” but it’s still ableist. Fuckwad is totally fine though, however you wanna cuss is fine just now ya know

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Please go outside

I typed that while sitting on a park bench and enjoying the sunshine! When have you gone outside lately? Remember: don't insult disabled people by comparing them to evil people.

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