Human Monogamy Has Deep Roots to – 26 points –
Human Monogamy Has Deep Roots

Pairing up might have been the best move our ancestors ever made


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data showing someone has other partners in a huge portion of all long term relationships

That's called cheating. Is that your excuse when you get caught? 'I can't help it, it's just my nature!'

psychological denial

Funny coming from someone who felt compelled to write this dumbshit comment on an anonymous forum justifying their shitty behavior.

The mere fact that we want to fuck everyone is proof

I really like pizza. I want to eat more pizza than is healthy. That is my nature. Fortunately I happen to be a human; humans possess higher cognitive abilities than animals, so they can employ logic rather than defaulting to natural instinct. Animalistic urges are not justification for being a piece of shit human being.

I think though, that OP here is arguing that monogamy is more a product of society and not biological drive. He uses the example that many humans cheat (and as disgusting as that sounds to YOU, it's ALSO a social construct because there are other cultures which are not monogamous). So it doesn't matter what your personal opinion of the matter is, nobody here is arguing that breaking the social code you've agreed to is morally good.

That's a cool straw man, but I didn't make the argument that you're arguing against. My comment doesn't make any claims or state any "facts" about human nature beyond the self-evident. I don't make claims without supporting evidence, that's kinda the point.

You are clearly upset about this and taking it all very personally. I'm sorry I upset you, wasn't my intention at all. I'll just say that there are common forms of nonmonogamous relationships where everyone is consenting. You probably even know people practicing them and (apparently) don't know it.

I'll also mention that you are projecting a lot of shit on top of me, and that that is very rude. None of the things you are so certain you know about me and apparently hate me for are things you actually know happened, but you're real mad at me for them anyway. Please get a grip on yourself before you actually hurt someone.

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