Jeffries calls for ‘traditional Republicans to break with the extremists’ to politics – 599 points –
Jeffries calls for ‘traditional Republicans to break with the extremists’

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) called for Republicans to “get their act together” and elect the next speaker while slamming the “extremists” within their party.


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The challenge is finding 5 house GOP who actually care about the American people. My guess is there aren't 5.

Well there's Nebraska's 2nd representative, and famous coward Don Bacon. Let it be known that when the time calls for a man to stand up for what's right, Don Bacon will bravely turn tail and run back to whatever teet is drip feeding him table scraps.

Yup. Famous coward Don Bacon, ready to let you down.

I'm sorry what was the question?

Don Bacon is a coward

This is a little misleading. Famous coward Don Bacon? C'mon. Sure he is only known for being a spineless coward. But he isn't that well known.

Yea I’ve never heard of him and he’s just a couple states over from me. I think.

What’s Nebraska again?

You say he is a pig that suckles huh? Hmm. Anyone know any famous pigs looking to shell out some cash for a suckling?

It is amazing to see those many levels of having no spine.