What has been the biggest surprise about getting older?

Bluetreefrog@lemmy.worldmod to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 200 points –

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That I started to not care about latest tech gadgets, and I just want to use old reliable ones that just work for my use cases. In fact I still don't understand the point of tablets, except some rare use cases, and I still prefer my desktop computer to anything else.

I saw that change happen with my boss.

He got an iPhone 3G when it came out and then every year when Apple would release a new phone he HAD to have the latest one as soon as it came out.

Once Apple released the iPhone X he changed his tune and got fed up with the UI changing around and unfamiliarity and decided to stick with his 8 and whatever version of iOS until he was forced to replace it.

Huh? iPhone 8 is still supported and good to go. What did force him to change it?

IIRC, shattered screen and a dislike for repaired/refurbished phones.

I've felt the same about tablets since at least when the MacBook Air first came outā°. I was in my early 20s. I don't think that particular opinion has much to do with age. Tablets are a compromise device. They're in between a phone and a computer but they're worse than both.