meet project primrose, adobe’s real-life interactive dress that changes design every second to – 283 points –
meet project primrose, adobe’s real-life interactive dress that changes design every second

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Look at the authoritarian communist, dictating how other people must live their lives.

Let's round up all the artists and musicians too, because they're not feeding kids or something.

Oh but didn't you hear? When we live on the commune we can all do like...arts and crafts and stuff..all day. And we don't really know how, but stuff will get done while we fingerpaint and there will be no poverty or hunger!

Huh? Improve your literacy, and reread the word I wrote in front of communist.

improve your literacy

That comment was dripping with sarcasm, but you couldn't comprehend it because it didn't have an /s

Lol the irony

Oh look, a butthurt capitalist

Authoritarian capitalism isn't much better, but fortunately, I included the word authoritarian.

Can you people stay on topic?

You mean, like how the original commenter did?

What do you mean? I was talking about how the dress is a waste of resources, then he started talking about artists and musicians.

You are not on topic, and now you're crying because people are staying on your new topic.


Sorry, you need to brush up on your rhetoric and reading comprehension.

Might want to take a remedial English course at your local community college.

Gonna block you now.

Nah, we're good, thanks. Gunna block you now.

Not a clever lad, are you? 🤦

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