Florida governor Ron DeSantis rejects idea of Palestinian refugees in US

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 152 points –
Florida governor Ron DeSantis rejects idea of Palestinian refugees in US

At event in Iowa, governor conflates Palestinian civilians with Hamas, the terrorist group that attacked Israel a week ago


“We cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees,” he said. “If you look how they behave … not all of them are Hamas but they are all antisemitic, none of them believe in Israel’s right to exist.”

Last week, the Florida governor described a pro-Palestine demonstration in Tampa and a “Victory to Palestine” event in Fort Lauderdale as “abhorrent”.

The New York Post reported on Saturday that House Republicans had introduced new legislation to prevent the United States from accepting any new Palestinian refugees who might be fleeing the crisis in Gaza.


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Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…

Unless it’s bad for my political campaign!

You're thinking too narrowly. R's don't just block immigration, they block anything they can if it seems like it might help people. Period.

They have become the party of obstructionism. I can't think of a single Republican policy that would make any person's life better, even ostensibly. Tax cuts for the rich, maintaining low wages for the poor, and culture wars are all they have anymore.

Almost every time I quote that poem some fascist comes and argues with me that just because the French put it on a statue that doesn’t mean the American government has to help people. And while that is true, there is a reason the French put it on a gift to the US symbolizing the spirit of America at the time, and I’d like to think we still have that spirit somewhere.

The French didn't put it there. It was written by a Jewish American woman named Emma Lazarus who saw her fellow Jews coming to America and wanted to welcome them and everyone else. And basically the rest of America said, "nice poem, put it on the base of the statue."

Ah I didn’t know that, thanks for the lesson!

Unless it’s bad for my political campaign!

Oh, make no mistake - cretins like Desantis would oppose immigrants even if it was inconsequential to their campaign.