Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon to World – 511 points –
Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

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There's reports of them bombing the exit corridor.

Hamas bombed the escape routes. They need their human shields.

Source? Or is that just a hunch that you're presenting as fact?

In fact, I'd be wary of saying anything without "reportedly" heavily attached in this kinda situation. There is so much propaganda and misinformation that stating anything as fact is dangerous.

I don't know of one trust worthy source. But you can start reading from here. As this is a very hot topic, follow links, read edit history and discussion. If you can, also read in different languages.

So you're just talking out your ass and presenting as fact.

I asked for sources for your claim because I couldn't find a single source saying it was Hamas, while multiple claimed Israel.

I'm the one actually doing research and being responsible about how I discuss this topic. You presented as fact something you couldn't provide a single source for. I said "there's reports" and was able to provide a handful of reports when asked.

I've read multiple books on the conflict, I know pretty detailed history going back to just prior to 1917. I don't need a wikipedia article that goes back less than 20 years, thanks.

iF yOu CaN, aLSo rEaD iN diFFeReNT lAnGuAGes

How about if you can, don't present complete bullshit as fact? For starters, at least. Then maybe you can get on some goofy-ass multilingual high horse 🤦‍♂️