Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon to World – 511 points –
Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

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If they actually want to commit genocide, why are they telling the population to leave the dangerous areas, perform roof knocking, etc.?

They told like half of Gaza to clear out in 24 hours, that's well over a million people, it's literally impossible to accomplish that. It's to get deniability when killing civilians.

So Israel wants to kill civilians in Gaza? How ludicrous! They must have been doing exactly that for all these years, every single day! I wonder what happened right now that their drive to kill civilians peaked so much! Palestinians are totally innocent and don't want to kill civilians in Israel though, right? This never happened, or did I miss anything?

Of course they don't. I think you're mistaking Hamas for the general palestinian population

That's only because hamas actively tries to be mistaken for general Palestinian population.

Then don't fall for it

Israel tries, as we can see. Hamas, on the other hand, doesn't care about whether it is military or citizens.

No... they don't actually. Using white phosphorus on a heavily populated city doesn't look like doing your best to pick out the good from the bad, it looks like killing everything that can die.

Want to use one example to win an argument? I could do the same: using a baby doll to try to convince the public that Palestinian babies are getting killed by Israel makes you look like a lying scum instead of a victim.

This is the exact mindset that led to the Internment of Japanese Americans, or the frequent racism against Muslims for years after 9-11(and still going on to this day). People from a place do no represent the place they're from, and a group of terrorists do not represent millions of people.

Come up with a better plan to stop a terrorist group in Gaza then? Without letting them proceed with their violence.

Telling them to leave, but not actually letting them go...

Telling them to go to bomb shelters that don't actually exist...

Who is not letting them go to south Gaza? Certainly not Israel. Hamas does actually, because more victims are what they want, since it gives them more power.

Have you never seen a disaster movie? Have you never been stuck in traffic on a holiday weekend where lots of people are traveling? I can't imagine how it's possible that you think a million people are just going to pack up and move, all at once, in a 24 hour window, like that is in anyway a reasonable request. Especially after these people were cut off from from food, water, and fuel (you know, the stuff you need for traveling) almost a week ago. And have all those people go to an area where there isn't space, and still no food, water, or electricity. Common guy really?

Israel is not operating in good faith, that is abundantly clear. This warning is just for the record, so that after Israel commits genocide they can point to that warning and say it's the civilians fault for not leaving like we told them too.

Your probably right about Hamas motives. Fine. But what your ignoring is that the Israeli government views all Palestinians as subhuman, and they intend to exact revenge on all of the people. Hamas and Israel are both happy with Palestinian civilian casualties, but for different reasons. The only differences between them is one side basically admits it's a terrorist organization, while the other side benefits from the political and military support of the west, as well as people like you who are eager to make excuses for outright genocide. Remember, where here in the comments on an article about Israel using white phosphorus in a populated area which is a fucking war crime.

I don't know if they see them as sub human. What makes you think so? They know they are going to kill some, especially given how Hamas uses them as meat shields, and they are obviously accepting that. They still try to minimize the number with roof knocking etc.

That they accept civilian casualties should be the topic of the discussion, not black and white nonsense like everywhere. If we look at history, the same happened in Germany in WW2. How to defeat such terrorists / evil states? Is it possible without killing innocent people? Holy fuck this is not something simple.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant:

"I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly."

Interesting. I swear i've heard that "our victims are animals and not people" rhetoric before. Somewhere. Can't put my finger on it.

Both israelites and palestinians dislike each others, that is much a fact no need to debate.

Well, you generally don’t declare to the world you’re doing genocide. You ask for forgiveness, not permission.

That was not what I was asking. They avoid killing them quite a bit, given the circumstances. Why would they do that if their goal was genocide?

Look up what plausible deniability is. The goal is genocide, but they can't just do genocide without pissing off the world. So they basically imprison 2.2 million people in a space the size of Seattle, destroy entire buildings, shoot unarmed people in Palestinian territory, bulldoze Palestinian homes or outright take them and give them to Israeli settlers. This naturally pisses people off. Hamas fires rockets in response. Israel blows even more shit up in response. They perpetuate the cycle put into motion when the UK stole Palestinian land and gave it to Israel.

Let's not get the sequence of events wrong. Israel faced existential threads from day one of declaring independence, where the surrounding states immediately attacked. There was and is no compromise for Palestine, they want to destroy Israel. That is their official goal, not some secret or conspiracy.

Palestine is not a prison because they are super nice people and Israel is evil. The issue is terrorism. Israel needs to deal with it some way. You can argue that there are better ways, certainly. And that Israel is doing a crap job, like US prisons.

What is Israel supposed to do now? What would your plan be? More than one out of every 10'000 of your fellow people just got murdered. That's like 46'000 people if it were the USA. That is the scale.

If we look at history, for example Nazis, do you think it was right to bomb Germany to the ground?

They have another, competing goal of getting cheap labor out of the Palestinians.

Well, you generally don’t declare to the world you’re doing genocide. You ask for forgiveness, not permission.

They told people to gather in the city center, and then they bombed the city center

There's reports of them bombing the exit corridor.

Hamas bombed the escape routes. They need their human shields.

Source? Or is that just a hunch that you're presenting as fact?

In fact, I'd be wary of saying anything without "reportedly" heavily attached in this kinda situation. There is so much propaganda and misinformation that stating anything as fact is dangerous.

I don't know of one trust worthy source. But you can start reading from here. As this is a very hot topic, follow links, read edit history and discussion. If you can, also read in different languages.

So you're just talking out your ass and presenting as fact.

I asked for sources for your claim because I couldn't find a single source saying it was Hamas, while multiple claimed Israel.

I'm the one actually doing research and being responsible about how I discuss this topic. You presented as fact something you couldn't provide a single source for. I said "there's reports" and was able to provide a handful of reports when asked.

I've read multiple books on the conflict, I know pretty detailed history going back to just prior to 1917. I don't need a wikipedia article that goes back less than 20 years, thanks.

iF yOu CaN, aLSo rEaD iN diFFeReNT lAnGuAGes

How about if you can, don't present complete bullshit as fact? For starters, at least. Then maybe you can get on some goofy-ass multilingual high horse 🤦‍♂️

Telling people to leave when there is nowhere to go, Egypt is refusing to open their border and I doubt Israel is going to open theirs, isn't not wanting to commit genocide: it's a way to save face, to say "well they didn't evacuate so it's their problem."

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