Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon to World – 511 points –
Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

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Israel has always been the bad guys and will continue to be.

When you put it like that it suggests there's only one group of bad guys. Hamas clearly have their own very bad guys, as we saw last week. Yes, Israel can be brutal and there's a history to this, but it's never going to work to pick just one side and say "You're the baddies."

No to be clear, there's only one group of bad guys. You don't blame victims of abuse for fighting back and as far as I'm concerned this was a proportional response to being ethnically fucking cleansed. Obviously in a civilized world there'd be no need for Hamas but again, Israel is to blame for their entire existence.

You don't think there's anything bad about murdering hundreds of people at a music festival and in their homes?

I think over 60 years of senselessly slaughtering Palestinians over a dogshit reason like religion can cause brutal retaliation in the form of militant extremists. What Hamas did is the fault of Israel. Fuck Israel.