Google blocked Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro reviewers from using popular benchmarks to test the Tensor G3 chip, new owners too - NotebookCheck

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 155 points –
Google blocked Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro reviewers from using popular benchmarks to test the Tensor G3 chip, new owners too

cross-posted from: (!

According to the comments section, users have been able to sideload them without issues. Play Store has since begun allowing the installs.


Google has lifted the block it placed on the ability for users to freely install benchmarking apps on its Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro smartphones. The block had been in place during the review embargo period but extended past the on sale period where customers purchasing the devices couldn’t install benchmarks on their new Pixels either.

Update 2:


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This article seems to be outdated as both apps are now visible in the Play Store and I had no problems downloading and running them. A comment suggests that it may be due to the previous minimum SDK target for the apps being too low. I'd be willing to chalk this up to being more innocuous than active malice on Google's part.

"Don't Be Evil" always sounded odd. As if that sort of thing needed to be said.

After 20+ years of consistent anti-consumer behaviour, Alphabet gets no benefit of the doubt.

When this first came out I checked on my Pixel 7 which is on A14 already and I didn't have the apps available either.

They are now available.

So yeah, it's almost certainly on the app developers who didn't target the new API version available, not Google. New Pixels launch with new versions of Android, but you can validate the same issue on older Pixels who have already upgraded to the new Android version.

It's even more odd they got rid of that saying in 2015 and replaced it with "Do the right thing". I'm not sure it was an improvement.

definitely not an 'improvement'...

the 'right' thing, according to who? why, the shareholders, of course.