4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to Technology@lemmy.world – 178 points –
4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones

4.3 Billion People Now Own Smartphones::Find out how smartphone ownership has reached 4.3 billion people worldwide. Dive into the GSMA's Mobile Internet Connectivity 2023 Report.


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And the other 3.7 billion people is glad to have some food for the day..

Smartphones are at a level of ubiquety in many societies where depending on where you live, even the poorest of individuals will have one. It's not uncommon at all to see homeless people around starbucks getting free wifi to connect online with whatever smartphone they have. It's really dependent on where you live whether a smartphone is at all correlated with wealth.

All societies changed because of computers and smartphones. Lots of people forget that especially for poor people smartphones brought so much benefits that were not accessible before, such as online banking (not needing to go to a bank branch), being in touch with family even when moving away for work, much more access to information (despite the low barrier of disinformation nowadays), online courses, healthcare tips etc.

But but but the Boomers told me things about having a smartphone and drinking coffee that means you MUST not be poor.

I'm not talking about people who have Starbucks around. 🤣

How many of them are well fed kids who don't need a smartphone yet?