How did you break your addiction? Was it hard? Any tips for those waging a war against addiction?

Ganesh to – 99 points –

Thank you very much! Know that I really appreciate your help, even if I can't Thank you individually!


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To get off of alcohol, I sat in the house and smoked pot heavily for a month. To get off of weed I just stopped. To get off of nicotine I smoked CBD weed heavily for a week and then stopped smoking weed again. I smoked regular weed on for a random week because I found out CBD could cause false positives for THC on a drug test, then I quit again.

Alcohol free: 306 days

Weed free: 25 days

Nicotine free: 50 days

So you're saying that weed is a solution to evrry addiction. Nice.

Jk lol congratulation on your beinf drug free!

Lol, thank you! Alcohol was the worst one to get off of, nicotine being a close second.