Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon to World – 511 points –
Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

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IDF is doing enough shitty stuff already I don't know why you think we need to spread misinformation to muddy the waters. Nothing you added supports your previous statement. I understand there's a lot of anger around but you're playing into their hands

I literally posted a source of them doing it prior and the article you're still fucking commenting on is claiming they're doing it again but sure, give them the benefit of the doubt when we have evidence they've already been doing it. My anger is shared between Israel and the people trying to defend the IDF when shown clear proof of the war criminals they are. What else could they fucking do before you're willing to condemn them? Fuck, may as well take a plane to Egypt and head on over to see it yourself. Just keep in mind white phosphorus will choke you to death if it doesn't land on you, in which case, there's no way to put the fire out. Enjoy.

This article's only evidence is the witness testimony of a human rights group. Was there anything else? My point is the IDF is already pretty awful without having to make stuff up, otherwise we are just muddying the waters