Valve doesn't sell ad space on Steam so it can make room for surprise hits: 'We don't think Steam should be pay-to-win'

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 1068 points –
Valve doesn't sell ad space on Steam so it can make room for surprise hits: 'We don't think Steam should be pay-to-win'

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Mark my word, once Gabe pass it's gonna be very very different. We have very different things to worried about, like climate change, but on software side and tech we shouldn't rely on monopolies. Valve was kept in that state because all the competition didn't actually put up a fight worth extra investment. The windows store pushed valve to develop SteamOS and Proton, they also back off on some revenue split policy because of EGS's deals. (Let's be honest, not all players care about which launcher they use, as long as they get better deals and can play the game they want.)

And to my experience, Steam's recent years' updates to store/client are not something I like as well.

  • I don't like the gamification of sales event etc.
  • I don't like the new unlimited scroll type, they backed off a bit and become like 3 pages long until you hit the top/popular/sales part.
  • I also don't like some of the UI changes(ie the downloads/library mixed together and not separate item)
  • I hated the auto start live streaming thing, if there is option to turn off that please let me know.

For EGS,

  • their search sucks
  • library page sucks, you can't really organize your free games/purchased games etc.
  • auto updates are pretty on par so that's okay.
  • their friends/etc also sucks.(not that I care much but at least it's far worse than steam one.)
  • I like that they adopted Nintendo's gold coin reward type to encourage consumer to purchase there.
  • games from other big publisher usually do require install their clients as well, which sucks. (it's similar on steam as well.)

I hated the auto start live streaming thing, if there is option to turn off that please let me know.

There is an option in the settings to turn that off.

edit: Account details -> Store preferences -> Broadcast preferences (at the very bottom of that page)

thank you very much, for people who don't know it's "checked" to opt out/disable. (<-- this should be illegal. )

I was actually thinking about this the other day, will be a very sad day. Valve is the only company I genuinely can say I'm a fan of.

There is a downloads page, right click on "library" at the top and there is a downloads button that gives you a view of all pending/queued/current downloads etc.

The sales have become less fancy than they used to be? I have seen lots of complaints that the events have gotten worse.

okay, that makes sense now, I don't know what I did now it shows all the menu items when I hover over the big item. Which is good, hope it stays that way. :)

I used to need to click around to find the download page, or unless I have updated game queued up then it show up at bottom of the UI.

If by live streaming thing you mean the "broadcast" thing, you can turn it off on options.

Settings -> broadcast at bottom of list -> privacy settings -> broadcasting disabled

also, thank you very much, but this one seems to be your broadcasting preference, the other user's option path is correct.

Ah, you wanted it gone from the storepage. I have them disabled too and didn't remember they even exist there

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