Trump Shares Article Doxxing NY AG’s Address, May Violate Gag Order to – 874 points –
Trump Shares Article Doxxing NY AG’s Address, May Violate Gag Order

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accusations of being politically aggressive against a high profile defendant

Republicans already launch those accusations regardless of whether or not they have merit. Worrying about what Republicans are going to say is a losing game.

Well it's more about a mistrial. Anything that isn't clear cut is going to be grounds for an appeal.

Republicans should be written off, but Enlightened Centrists matter (unfortunately). You want to keep the merit of the claims low enough that centrists can't latch onto it for "both sides" purposes.

The centrists argue in bad faith all the time and say stupid shit without merit too, they're just smarter about it.

It's time for us to ignore and dismiss them the way we do right-wingers.

OK. Now we've ignored and dismissed 60% of the population. How do you propose to do that and still advance policy in a democracy?

Rather than placating the right, you work too ridicule and humiliate them - make their stances unreasonable to sympathise with, let alone adopt.

Then you've got to deal with the civility politics backlash, but how much has that ever really hurt the GOP - their base love it.