Russia calls Gaza hospital attack war crime, says US ultimately responsible to World – 27 points –

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Wait, they usually only accuse others of things they did, so...did Russia bomb the hospital in Gaza!?

If you read the article they blamed this attack on the excessive amount of money the US spends arming foreign countries to protect their interests.

I don't normally believe this kind of propaganda and ultimately the US didn't pull the trigger, they just wrote the check that facilatated the purchase of the weapons. Kind of a guns don't kill people the people who buy guns for other people kill people type argument.

But most credible sources and eye witness accounts makes it most likely this was a Hamas missile gone astray, not an Israeli strike. So the US didn't write the check that facilitated the purchase of the weapons.

Now, you can argue that Israel was only able to be in the position to be attacked by Hamas using a missile that went astray because of US funding of their weapons, but that's a bigger topic.