feat. coffee mug, standard case and microsoft foldable keyboard.

tasankovasara@sopuli.xyz to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 312 points –

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Haters gonna hate.

Got a laptop, use it for laptop shit. Got a Steamdeck, rarely need to do heavy typing on it, but when modding games I have to connect a keyboard and mouse to do so efficiently. Saw this solution and thought "hell yeah, great idea!". Bringing an easy to store/portable keyboard around for occasional use is way better than bringing a laptop and controller around when all you want to do is some gaming.

I'm not hating, just seems silly to get a portable gaming system to use kb+m when a laptop could do so much more for similar size/weight/cost.

I guess it all seems arbitrary to someone who could barely afford a used PS4 😂😭

Fair enough, I was like 90% just memeing about the "haters gonna hate" anyway. Though you might be suprised how much the Steamdeck can do versus a comparably priced laptop. And if your usecase is like 75% controller oriented gaming, I'd say Deck is the way to go. For what a personal anecdote is worth, I use my Deck far more than my laptop. Setting up the laptop is a bit inconvenient in bed, or on the couch, or at the airport, or on the bus, or blah blah blah.

Anyway, keep on keeping on.