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Fun fact, Trump ran for the Reform Party nomination, which eventually went to Pat Buchanan, back in 2000.

Calling it ranting is hyperbole, but but he did randomly start talking about immigrants murdering women when answering the question about abortion.


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ranting: noun

a long, angry, and impassioned speech. "at times, his rantings would become incoherent"


speaking at length in an angry and impassioned way.

I'm more familiar with the definition that includes the length of the speech. If you were using a definition that only refers to the energy, then I wouldn't call it hyperbole.

What's updog?

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Sorry Emilio, but when you had a reported $200 million dollars, 500 developers, and 7 years to make a game, you don't get to play the "but its really hard" card when people complain that your game is soulless corporate crap.

You're a professional, act like it.

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While the headphone issue is problematic, it's a single issue amidst a deluge of ethical and sustainable practices by the company. Including, but not limited to:

Fairphone carefully sources the components in every device, and the workers who put them together have safe and healthy working conditions. Where possible, Fairphone uses recycled materials (plastic, tin solder paste, steel, and nickel alloy), sources Fairtrade gold, and buys cobalt and silver credits to support the improvement of working conditions for miners.

The factories that make the Fairphone pay a living wage to workers. It also employs 100 percent renewable energy. Fairphone invests in projects to reduce CO2 emissions, and to balance bringing a new phone into the world, Fairphone recycles the equivalent amount of e-waste. It has a B Corp certification, which means its claims have been independently vetted, and Fairphone regularly releases impact reports.

(As reported by wired.com)

Absolutely they should get push back on the headphone situation. But calling it "greenwashibg marking bs" is textbook "letting perfect be the enemy of good". Simply put, almost no other company even competes with Fairphone in the field of ethical phone manufacturing.

About the same as Spiderman 2 or Ghost of Tsushima on Windows.

I followed up on your assertions, as I was wholly ignorant to them prior. And while I'm not terribly surprised, as it's seemingly almost impossible to be the President and not get involved in our country's sordid history, I am sad to find out Jimmy "sold his peanut farm" Carter's legacy is tied to so many atrocities. It's worth knowing about if we want to improve the world.

A bit of friendly advice though, attacking people for their ignorance is simply a terrible way to break their illusions. Unless you were just trying to be a dick for its own sake, your tact will accomplish little more than pushing people further down the path you so eloquently deemed "fucking pathetic".

And to that extent, don't be so quick to throw stones from your glass house. There are no countries that are wholly innocent. We need to push for solidarity, not division, if we aim to change that in the future.

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An unvoiced character =/= a mute character. In the first VtMB, the main character was unvoiced but had tons of dialogue options.

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Haters gonna hate.

Got a laptop, use it for laptop shit. Got a Steamdeck, rarely need to do heavy typing on it, but when modding games I have to connect a keyboard and mouse to do so efficiently. Saw this solution and thought "hell yeah, great idea!". Bringing an easy to store/portable keyboard around for occasional use is way better than bringing a laptop and controller around when all you want to do is some gaming.

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Yes, a handful of BestBuy employees accepted payments from the FBI to report on CP found on a customers device. So let's all feel good about underpaid workers losing their jobs in this economy.

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True, but being anti genocide, anti colonialism, and anti war often are. Just so happens that these ideas and Palestinian statehood are simpatico at the moment.

Seems like you are trying to oversimplify their world view so you don't have to question your own.

I mean, when the only quest available at launch was "FalloutNV has stopped working", and it only had one solution, I'd say 84 is pretty damn good.

Still, there is something that just feels terrible about Obsidian not getting the bonus considering they made one of the best RPGs of all time in 18 months...

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No Bottom Line is going to trick me into thinking I have worth!!!

TIL not supporting businesses you don't agree with = being on copium.

Guess I better go buy Nestle products again.

As an entry level tech worker, I feel both seen and attacked. Fair play to ya.

and conscription as a concept would fail.

Oh the horror!

I voted for Biden, and I'll be doing so again. I voted for Hillary as well. Each time made me feel a little sick, like I had given my support to the atrocities that would now be committed with the "mandate of the voters".

It won't change the fact that I will vote for Biden (it is the best option after all). But comments like yours, that feel the need to throw accusations and bully people into selling that little piece of their soul, even when no one brought up withholding votes from Biden, make that sick feeling worse.

If there are people who are at the cusp of withholding their votes from Biden, your comment is not the kind of argument that will shame them into joining your side. Rather it will push them further towards abstaining. And while you might feel you have the moral high ground over people like that, you are still contributing to the problem.

Edit: To those considering their vote for Biden, I think this comment does a good job putting it into perspective. It talks about some of the good he has actually accomplished, and makes a decent case for how voting can't become a zero sum game or we will lose more than we gain.

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A viable one?

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I really don't understand the dog pile this game has gotten.

It's similar to the situation Cyberpunk 2077 faced. When expectations are set extremely high, nothing can meet them, and Starfield fell far short of the immense hype it generated. And frankly, the mistakes Starfield made are the same issues people have been criticizing Bethesda for since Fallout 3, and even earlier with Oblivion, depending on who you ask. Combined with Fallout 76's disastrous PR and release, this has left many people frustrated with Bethesda. Consequently, there's a strong wave of negativity surrounding the game.

For what it's worth, I'm a big fan of Bethesda's formula, and I genuinely enjoyed Starfield. However, I'm not surprised by the negative reactions. In fact, I'm somewhat glad that people are expressing their disappointment because Bethesda has a unique style, and I don't want to see them stay stuck in this creative rut. If they finally genuinely listen to the complaints, there are a lot of valuable suggestions they could benefit from.

This will sound weird, but I believe these complaints stem from a place of love for Bethesda's games. People know that Bethesda is capable of so much more, and that's why they are so passionate. Other game companies don't inspire this level of passion. Hence why I feel it is reminiscent of the negativity that surrounded Cyberpunk 2077. Both games were genuinely good, but they felt generic, safe, and they were overhyped and well below the potential of their respective developers.

The negativity doesn't make it a bad game, it really is a lot of fun. But it is warrented all the same.

P.S. I agree that some of the story lines in Starfield were fantastic, especially the faction quest lines.

Edit: Someone replied to this and then deleted it saying something to the effect of, "Cyberpunk's biggest issue is that it tried to run on old consoles, while Starfield's biggest issue is that it feels old and outdated".

Which in a lot of ways is very true. In adding my 2 cents regarding the "complaint dog pile" on Starfield, I only intended to compare the two games hype and lack of quality compared to what fans expect from their respective publishers as a way to explain why Starfield (and Cyberpunk) got more vocal hate than worse games.

I realize that my comment makes it sound like I'm saying both games have similar design issues, which I do not believe to be the case. Fwiw, I think Cyberpunk was a much more enjoyable and polished game than Starfield.

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This comment is beautiful. It manages to admonish another for a concept it in of itself can not grasp.

As much as Trump is obviously guilty as fuck, I'm not willing to adopt the "if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear from the cops law" mentality.

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Yeah... No. That's not even every quest in Starfield, much less every game. I get that you are being hyperbolic, but to imply there is no difference between the generic mission board quests (i.e. Transport Passenger, Kill Target, Survey Planet, etc) and the more handcrafted quest lines (i.e. infiltrating the Crimson Fleet) is overtly reductive and disingenuous.

And while Starfiled does have some actually engaging quests, mostly in the Faction quest lines, its flatout dishonest to try and sweep the problem of its numerous boring generic quests under the rug of "that's every quest if you get pedantic enough!".

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This is why its good to read the article instead of trusting click bait titles. He actually said after the strenuous development cycle of Ultimate, he thinks it would be unlikely to see another similar increase in magnitude for the next entry.

He admits that he's skeptical about the development team creating another Super Smash Bros. title that goes above and beyond what Ultimate did, given the strenuous circumstances his dev team went through to add more content to the game during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As for what comes next for the Smash Bros. series, even I'm not sure," Sakurai said. "I feel we truly succeeded in making people happy with this game, but now that Smash Bros. has grown to be monstrous in size, I'd say it's difficult to imagine an increase of this magnitude happening again."

He added, "Every time, we managed to make a game that I had previously thought impossible, so I can't say for certain there won't be another, but I do think it would be difficult to push it any further than we have."

Also, while some fans do have more vision, they also have far less restrictions. It would be foolish to accuse Sakurai of lacking vision.

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I'm not surprised they choose to go down this route, but it does make me a bit bummed. Fair to assume we won't be seeing a return to clans having completely rewritten dialogue. Now, no matter who I try to make, I'll just be the male or female "Vampire Shepard".

It's kinda weird to see so plainly that the law is just a facade. Normally it's treated more like an immutable object.

Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but if a monopoly was powerful enough to "affect the flow of speech", wouldn't they try to use that power to ensure you know nothing of it?

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Did you have fun? That's all that ever counts

It’s really easy to avoid sentencing, I’ve done it all my life by following one simple rule: Don’t Do Crimes.

Yeah, sorry, I misunderstood this to mean, "not doing crimes == not being convicted". Which sounded a lot like the "if you're innocent, you have nothing to fear from the police" mentality.

Your comment got me curious, so I did some digging. Unfortunately Steam caps out filtering reviews at "above 100", so I couldn't find a way to get data on the difference between 100-200 hour players vs 500-1000 hour players for example. But I broke it down by 0-24 hours, 25-49 hours, 50-99 hours, and 100+ hours to see the results.

Unsurprisingly, folks who played it for less than 25 hours liked it the least, with an average of 50% positive reviews. This is also the largest sample size by far, accounting for 51,686 of the roughly 140,000 reviews.

More surprisingly however, the next three data sets (25-49, 50-99, and 100+), order themselves naturally from "most positive sentiment to least". Essentially, the longer you play it after 25 hours, the more likely you are to rate it negatively.

Breaking it down:

0-24 hours: 50% positive reviews out of 51,686 players.

25-49 hours: 69% positive reviews out of 34.644 players

50-99 hours: 64% positive reviews out of 30,775 players

100+ hours: 61% positive reviews out of 22,800 players.

Oh, and because I just reread your comment, I checked out the 1-10 hour players as well, and your guess there was accurate. 40% positive reviews out of the 27,316 players in that range.

And given that there were more negative reviews in the 0-24 hour range than reviews from people who even played it for more than 100 hours, I would say you were mostly right about the guess that players who played it for a very extensive time and reviewed it negatively were a minority. Even if that minority was made up of about 8,900 reviews, or roughly 6.3%.

While this is far from a "definitive scientific test", the data on Steam seems to indicate that among people who liked the game enough to put significant time into it, the more they played, the less likely they were to rate it positively.

I guess my point is that you have no argument.

I think you are mistaking me for t0fr. While I do think you had a terrible take, and did ask how it was relevant to what t0fr said about Bethesda's Fallouts being known for having worse writing, I never argued that Bethesda's games weren't the most well known in the series. So, again I fail to see how what you are saying has any relevance to what was asked...

But, for the sake of argument, the StarWars sequel trilogy had the highest combined box office of any of the trilogy's by far. Does that mean the Sequel trilogy is the best of the three? Did it have the best writing? Does that mean that long time fans shouldn't get an opinion when stories that they loved get steamrolled over?

Dont get me wrong, I'm enjoying the Fallout show, and I like the Bethesda games. But sales numbers and ownership aren't the be all end all of what makes good fiction. And pretending like it is largely plays a roll in why we get so much high budget schlock.

It's funny, they said the same thing about the protests against the Vietnam war.

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Lol, you're so ready to fight you are taking swings at people who agree with you.

That's weird, I blame the people committing and/or supporting the Genocide. But I guess making a strawman out of Progressives behavior is another option.

Did you miss the point they were making or are you just being sardonic? Come on, think.

He also said "with all her mistakes and total lack of charisma". It read, to me at least, as anti-Trump and not pro-Clinton. (Even a bit anti-Clinton, as defending someone by saying they have no Charisma is... a weird way of going about it at least.)

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I wish I had opinions as strong as this.

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A definite maybe. Game play is dated and combat is terrible. Pretty standard for RPGs of it's time, but hard to get past for alot of folks.

But if you like classic CRPG story telling, it's hands down one of the GOATs. Make sure to grab the unofficial patch (which the GOG version just comes with).

What about my friend No-Arms Norman? All he can do is kick a Nazi in the ass!

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