Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s leveling journey shows how much retail has lost its way to – 44 points –

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Classic wow is just grinding. I didn't play it until they re-released it, and it took me a week to get to level 12. That's kind of unreasonable.

Most people can get to level 12 in like two hours

Yeah, in the modern game. Vanilla wow, that is not the case. Why do I keep having to repeat myself.

No he means in the vanilla game. The first 10 levels go extremely quickly if you have even a basic idea is what you are doing.

You have to keep repeating yourself because you are wrong. I played Vanilla in 2006 (about a year after it came out) and also played Classic when it came out. Vanilla might have taken me a week to get to 12, I can't remember anymore; but it was my first MMO and first RPG, my first time playing a social game and didn't know how to group to quest or even respond to people whispering me, and didn't have any friends giving me advice on how to play or know what internet resources to use to speed things up. I didn't even know I could speed things up.

With Classic I was probably to level 10 in a night after work. I haven't leveled a fresh character in Retail since Cataclysm, so I have no idea how fast it is these days.

That's pathetic ngl an average casual could get to 12 within 4 hours

That's easy now, but definitely not a thing when classic wow was around.

Edit: I looked it up, average time to 60 is 30 days in classic wow. Making your 4 hour remark not right.

It's not linear. Levels 55-60 took me a week in Vanilla. 45-55 was almost 2 weeks, too; since the quests and dungeons at that level range are sparse. 20-40 was about a week. 1-20 was about a week and a half.

Classic took much less time than Vanilla.

While four hours would be fast for a new player, 1-10 is very doable in one sitting for those familiar with the game. Early levels are fast; the bulk of those 30 days are later levels. The 50's in particular are a slog.

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