Nintendo of America President: “Everyone Has the Right To Form a Union” to – 468 points –
Nintendo of America President: “Everyone Has the Right To Form a Union”

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This is the best thing nintendo have ever said

"Said" being the operative word. Talk is just talk. I predict that if any union-forming attempt is made, Bowser's opinion will change with frame perfect accuracy and this statement will be memory holed. (Although unionization of Nintendo employees is unlikely to happen in Japan anyway. If it does, it will more probably be within their American or European subsidiaries.)

We should remember that Nintendo is a privately held, for-profit company run by Japanese people. They have their own ethic, the company belongs to them, and profit comes first. They might make video games and franchises we like, but they are not good guys. There is tons of well documented past behavior on their part that illustrates this in many ways.

Why? It's obligatory, it's literally the law. It's also against the law to say the opposite. The best thing they've ever said is a bunch of nothing?

Well, no, it's not obligatory to freely state it in an interview. That being said, I understand what you mean.

I meant that this is something that not many other companies would say. And it doesn't matter if it's the law, big companies still prevent it from happening.