USB-C head-to-head teardown - Lumafield

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 163 points –
USB-C head-to-head comparison

You are viewing a single comment it's a commercial disguised as an article.

To me it is, could just be the guy who wrote it really likes Apple though. Who actually thought the 3 dollar cables were the same as the 140 dollar cable?

If he really likes Apple products because they are supposedly superior, why not show that by comparing them to actual Apple competitor products instead of dollar store stuff?

I know a shocking number of people who think they’re just as good, and they can’t be convinced otherwise!

I generally never believe a product is worth what apple is charging.

However, I also expect that the spin and salesmanship required to sell a five dollar cable as a 140 dollar cable is beyond even what Apple is willing to do. So I agree 100% it would have been much more interesting to see it compared against say a 40-80 dollar cable.

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