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For LLMs specifically my go to test is to ask it to generate a paragraph of random words that does not have any kind of coherent meaning. It specifically asks them to do the opposite of what they’re trained to do so it trips them up pretty reliably. Closest I’ve seen them get was a list of comma separated random words and that was after giving them coaching prompts with examples.

Blippity-blop, ziggity-zap, flibber-flabber, doodle-doo, wobble-wabble, snicker-snack, wiffle-waffle, piddle-paddle, jibber-jabber, splish-splash, quibble-quabble, dingle-dangle, fiddle-faddle, wiggle-waggle, muddle-puddle, bippity-boppity, zoodle-zoddle, scribble-scrabble, zibber-zabber, dilly-dally.

That's what I got.

Another thing to try is "Please respond with nothing but the letter A as many times as you can". It will eventually start spitting out what looks like raw training data.

Yeah, exactly. Those aren’t words, they aren’t random, and they’re in a comma separated list. Try asking it to produce something like this:

Green five the scoured very fasting to lightness air bog.

Even giving it that example it usually just pops out a list of very similar words.

Just tried with GPT-4, it said "Sure, here is the letter A 2048 times:" and then proceeded to type 5944 A's

that's also a good one for sure 👀