Google Decides To Pull Up The Ladder On The Open Internet, Pushes For Unconstitutional Regulatory Proposals to – 279 points –
Google Decides To Pull Up The Ladder On The Open Internet, Pushes For Unconstitutional Regulatory Proposals

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Honestly, this is about what I expect from Google nowadays. It's surprising when they manage to live up to the "Don't be Evil" motto they used to have.

There's a reason they got rid of that motto.

They never got rid of it though. I don't understand why people keep repeating this. See the final paragraph here:

They might as well have though 🙃

don't be evil and if you see something, speak up

Oh really Google?

It's double speak. The translation is "We are evil and if you say something about what you see, we will silence you.".

Wait, that's the government's stance also.

Are you beginning to see things more clearly now?

It helps that the rain has gone

Depends on your definition of "evil", I guess.

Lol, right? Bit of a slippery slope over at the ol search and advertising factory.

I heard several news stories stating that they had, but I guess that's my fault for believing the news. I just assumed they would get something right eventually.

Expect this and they killing some of their products.