Donald Trump's allies are falling like dominoes to – 324 points –
Donald Trump's allies are falling like dominoes

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Until Trump is behind prison bars with a minimum of 20 years without the possibility of parole, I do not have faith in any state or federal justice system that is or will be trying him.

I think people need to temper their expectations and accept that a rich, white, ex president is never going to set foot in jail.

Yes, let’s sit back and accept the slap on the wrist for a multitude of highly treasonous acts that have caused grave and serious damage to the country.

Not saying it's right or that you have to accept it, it's just sadly the state of affairs when it comes to the two tier legal system, where being rich gets you special treatment

temper their expectations and accept

Cool, so he should get away with treason because it’s the status quo.

I never said he should, or that it's right. But that's just the reality of the shitty system, where rich people get away with everything

Rich doesn't get you out of things, at least not on its own. Being rich gets you good lawyers who tell you not to do things before you do them, and then work with you to find loopholes so you can do what you want, anyway. If you do get prosecuted, good lawyers might get you out of it, or at least work down to a sweet plea deal.

Trump has driven away every good lawyer in the country, almost all of the not so good ones, and is now scratching around for the handful that technically passed the bar exam. Major firms, even one's run by partners who vote for him, refuse to do business with him. Why would they? He ignores their advice, causes headaches, and then refuses to pay.

Being rich will not save him.

He'll never be in general population simply because of what he knows & his required Secret Service detail. He'll get house arrest in a shitty barracks in a military base, just like Nixon's lawyer did.

Doubt he goes to a prison, house arrest because he is rich.

I reiterate, I do not have faith in any state or federal justice system that is or will be trying him.

Can you show me a single instance of the DoJ spending this much time, money & effort on a prosecution & then just saying "nevermind"?

Maybe I am a tad too optimistic. If he's in jail in November 2024 and/or if he is ineligible to run for president in 2024, that will be the end of him.

There is no way he successfully runs a campaign from a jail house.

And in 2028, he will be four years older and have lost to Biden, twice.

Even his most deluded supporters will eventually get tired of losing.

If a single state makes him legally ineligible to be on the ballot, several others will follow.

Where did those numbers come from?

But anyway, he’ll be found guilty. He won’t go to prison. The logistics of locking up a former President would be too much.

Everyone keeps saying that but why? Couldn't they just have secret service hangout in jail? Just be another guard.

Everyone getting a plea deal is an attorney, which means that Trump can still use the defense that he was following advice of counsel. These deals will likely mean very little as far as convicting Trump.

Attorney-client privilege doesn’t cover crimes the attorney is party to, and all of these people have taken guilty pleas. There’s going to be a lot less room to hide behind privilege here. The DA’s office wouldn’t have offered deals unless there was valuable testimony to be had.

Let’s hope this is the case. As of today, Ellis is blaming more senior attorneys for misleading her and Powell is reverting to saying that she still believes the election was stolen. Don’t sound too convincing as strong witnesses. That leaves Chesebro who deployed fake electors. Perhaps his testimony is the one that can make the difference. 🤞

I’m no lawyer or legal analyst, but them making excuses probably won’t mean much when it comes time to testify. Taking a plea deal requires waiving fifth amendment rights, so there’s no option to not answer a question during cross examination. I think all these theatrics are more trying to save face than anything else, personally. I guess we’ll see what happens when the former guy has to show up.

I think people need to temper their expectations and accept that a rich, white, ex president is never going to set foot in jail. Even a democrat controlled government will say it's bad for the country and find a way to weasel him out. The best we can hope for is to bog him down in lawsuits till he dies of a big Mac overdose