Gazans forced to drink dirty, salty water as the fuel needed to run water systems runs out

المنطقة عكف عفريت to World – 480 points –
Gazans forced to drink dirty, salty water as the fuel needed to run water systems runs out | CNN

Hamas’ brutal attacks in Israel on October 7 killed at least 1,400 people and the group took more than 200 hostages, according to Israeli authorities. In the wake of the assault, Israel launched an aerial bombardment of Gaza that Palestinian health officials say has killed more than 5,000 people. Israel also announced a “complete siege” on the enclave, withholding vital supplies of water, food and fuel.


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Because their government, Hamas, is in charge of that. The logistics to distribute fuel would require reoccupation of the Gaza Strip.

I feel like we're missing the part where Israel could just turn the power back on... if Hamas has fuel to run their weapons what is even the point of cutting electricity?

Generally, as a competent government, you don't attack and call for the genocide of your neighbors; starting a war. And then expect that neighbor to fund your war effort.

Here we have someone trying to say that withholding food and medicine and fuel for 2.2m people, half of which are children, is the same as not funding your enemy's war efforts.

Fuck me sideways.

Turns out food, fuel and medicine are considered dual purpose goods. They have civilian purposes and they have military applications. When you declare a war against your neighbor; you shouldn't expect that neighbor to fund, at it's own expense, your economy.

Hamas steals fuel supplies from the UN in Gaza. So supplying the UNWRA fuel is going to give Hamas more fuel.

If the UN want a humanitarian aid they need to send blue hats entitled to protect the aid like they do in Africa.

I think you're missing my point.

Do you think the entire power grid of Gaza is run off fossil fuel generators inside of Gaza?

I'll just cut to the chase. Here, have an infographic from the UN that might be slightly out of date but will still give you a much better understanding of the situation

I'm aware that Israel provides massive amounts of monetary and in kind aid to Palestinians both in the West Bank and the Gaza strip.

I'm questioning why Hamas, as the defacto government of the Gaza Strip, expects that aid to continue to flow after declaring war? That's stupid. The phrase is, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

It's not a war crime to decline to arm your enemy.

Yes collective punishment is a war crime

Now please stop bothering me with these low effort comments

Did you read that document? It's banning things like reprisals (the act of killing random civilians as a response for military members being killed). Nowhere in there does it demand you supply the civilians of the government your at war with in the territory that government controls.