Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service to World – 28 points –
Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service | Semafor

Thought this was interesting. Partially because of raised prices, but apparently mainly because of tax enforcement.

The shift follows the deployment of 1,400 paramilitary-trained field officers by the Kenya Revenue Authority


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Sidenote in case any of the mods read this:

Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service

Is the original headline, now what I’d have posted is "Kenyan businesses are dropping mobile money service M-Pesa", possibly with "because of increased tax-enforcement", the latter is probably too much editorializing, but the former makes it less clickbait-y and more informational. What kind of editing of original headlines is preferred?

I agree with you, editing headlines because of clickbait should be allowed