Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service to World – 28 points –
Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service | Semafor

Thought this was interesting. Partially because of raised prices, but apparently mainly because of tax enforcement.

The shift follows the deployment of 1,400 paramilitary-trained field officers by the Kenya Revenue Authority


Sidenote in case any of the mods read this:

Kenyan businesses are dropping the world’s favorite mobile money service

Is the original headline, now what I’d have posted is "Kenyan businesses are dropping mobile money service M-Pesa", possibly with "because of increased tax-enforcement", the latter is probably too much editorializing, but the former makes it less clickbait-y and more informational. What kind of editing of original headlines is preferred?

I agree with you, editing headlines because of clickbait should be allowed

The shift follows the deployment of 1,400 paramilitary-trained field officers

Which in turn follows Kenya taking on another big chunk of sovereign debt despite (or maybe because of) having trouble paying off its existing debt. Which has not exactly been universally popular with voters.

It’s more the "paramilitary-trained" tax collectors I find a bit hilarious ;)

@cwagner I see why it could be funny. Given the potential impact I find it kind of disturbing. They actually were trained a bit though, it's a thing.

Ruto govt comes up with some unusual initiatives.

Lol images of collectors rappelling into households to demand taxes

That’s exactly the kind of thing I imagined. In camo, with green and black face paint.