Before and after satellite images show destruction in Gaza

المنطقة عكف عفريت to World – 454 points –
Before and after satellite images show Gaza destruction | CNN

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It amazes me how accurate the IDF's intelligence seems to be, they seem to know every weapon stash and tunnel entrance in the whole of gaza /s

Oh no, uh, yea, they were all stashes. That house? Jihadi radio, yea. That garden? A fiendish cache of turnips um, bullets~~?~~

Hamas is a sack of shit org for using human shields and storing their shit in civilian residences, but the IDF is absolutely meting out collective punishment to civilians using that excuse. It has happened, sure, but fuck me, this wholesale destruction is horrific. And when Guterres alludes to that fact, the screams of objection are hideous.

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