Jack Smith Asks Court To Jail Trump If He Keeps Yapping About Witnesses

TheJims@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 782 points –
Jack Smith Asks Court To Jail Trump If He Keeps Yapping About Witnesses

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If he's dragged off to jail, can it be videoed? Even if it's just overnight, I'd be willing to pay for that video.

On a completely unrelated note, can you break a computer by replaying a video too many times?

America could pay off its national debt by charging $10 a go to watch the video. We'll be chipping in from all over the world.

Maybe we can get some photos of Trump on his underwear in jail like Saddam

I'm gagging just thinking about it, no thanks.

The physique of an orange, beardless, cheerless Santa Clause way past his prime? Blergh.

Some day your kid will pay a nickel to pee on a certain grave in a small Queens cemetery