Why Unity felt the need to “rush out” its controversial install-fee program

ijeff@lemdro.id to Technology@lemmy.world – 126 points –
Why Unity felt the need to “rush out” its controversial install-fee program

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Yeah, I'm not seeing any new information here.

People were initially confused and angry, three days later when word of the fee wavers for using their own ad network started circulating you could practically hear the collective "Oh!" from space.

"Sadly, it wasn’t delivered well, but the need to make more money is still there."

It's even more entertaining: even though they made over $1 billion they're losing money because of going into an aquisition spree.

In other words, greed and incompetence at the highest levels.

No wonder the genial idea of high level management (against the advice of other senior people) was imposition of a new crazy fee on something nobody charges for (installs) applicable to apps made and release with previous versions of the engine all so that they could then "waive" that very same fee that never existed before and was likely contractually invalid anyways for apps made under older ToS.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if this little stunt has pretty much condemned Unity to second-league game engine status (if they're lucky) at least for the next decade.