Netanyahu: Defeating Hamas will make prophecy of Isaiah a reality to World – 279 points –
Netanyahu: Defeating Hamas will make prophecy of Isaiah a reality

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If you read carefully, you will notice that the commenter used the past tense: "had" = simple past tense of the verb "to have".

I love it that I asked a question and noone really cares to answer but down vote me to hell and back. Also someone will snob me from the side telling me about the comment of the guy I asked a question to???????

You're being downvoted because it's a stupid question. It's not happening currently in NA; they're making a comparison to the historical colonization that happened there.

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. That's at least what the Sesame Street told me as a child. People should be less entitled and maybe just share information?

There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

I'm sorry, but this is one of those. There are questions that are stupid. There are questions that mislead. There are questions that strongly imply a falsehood. There are questions that insult the audience or the person it's directed to.

You did some of that by wholly misunderstanding a comment and thinking the commenter was daft. It's insulting and you're busy being concerned about your hurt feelings and down votes that don't even add to user karma.

Example: when did you stop beating your SO?

It's an obnoxious and insulting question.

Don't trot out a trite thing we tell children so they don't do stupid things. We're grown here, we know better - or we should.

I am answering you. The guy you asked a question to was talking about something that had happened in the past. You then asked a question as though you'd misread it and thought he was saying that it was still happening. He didn't say that, so your question is already answered.

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