What THE MENU Is Really About - OneTake

Five@slrpnk.net to Entertainment@beehaw.org – 10 points –
What THE MENU Is Really About

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I had literally no context going into this movie other than it was about a chef and/or a restaurant, and it was well-reviewed.

By the time I figured out that it was basically a horror movie, which I'm not into, I had already seen a couple of graphic scenes that I wished I hadn't, so I turned it off. Disappointing because I like the actors in it, and the story was compelling at first.

Horror? That was a dark comedy I thought.

There's some gore, like when: ::: spoiler spoiler Mr. Liebrandt gets his finger chopped off, and When Elsa is stabbed and bleeds out. ::: But neither of those examples are really focused on in the way, say, the Saw series does.