New House Speaker Tells Hannity, ‘Go Pick Up a Bible Off Your Shelf and Read It – That’s My Worldview’

Flying to politics – 597 points –
New House Speaker Tells Hannity, ‘Go Pick Up a Bible Off Your Shelf and Read It – That’s My Worldview’

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The way I have always viewed Christians vs Catholics is that Christians fundamentally believe faith in god is the only requirement. In Catholicism it is not enough to believe, but they believe that good deads are required, hence Catholic guilt. In that way, Christians don't really care about the new testament and the teachings of jesus, believe in god is all they require to be good Christians.

Interesting take. I grew up Catholic, Sunday school yada yada. That guilt.. that is some fucked up shit to put into a child.

But as you put it, Christians are far more insufferable and a significant reason why I changed my faith.

And please spare me how the Catholic Church is somehow king of pedo. Every Christian sect is rife with them. If you care about your kids stay away from them all. You can give them a better handle on ethics and mortality with some basic cartoons. And they'll probably enjoy them rather than groan at the stupid outdated biblical shit you want to make them learn.

Yeah, I'm biased but i stand by that statement.

Them catholics sure like to dig around for something to assuage their 'guilt' inside little boy holes.