London set for massive pro-Palestinian protest demanding Gaza ceasefire to World – 439 points –
London set for massive pro-Palestinian protest demanding Gaza ceasefire

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Terrorists come kill your family. You call the police, and someone replies "there's been enough violence." Meanwhile the terrorists continue to advocate for killing your extended family as well as numerous other families, and you know these threats are credible because they continue trying

How sensible is that, to you?

So this is definitely justifying:

  • expelling 1.5Mln from their homes
  • carpet bombing residential neighbourhoods
  • restricting the access to clean drinking water, electricity, food and fuel for the general population
  • preventing people fleeing the war zone
  • Blocking humanitarian aid to enter
  • bombing areas that they told the civilian population is safe
  • preventing humanitarian aid to enter the enclave
  • Cutting the access to the internet and telephone, so people are not even able to call an ambulance or check how their loved ones are fairing.
  • While actively refusing to admit that with their actions they have caused a humanitarian catastrophe, despite what UN, Red Crescent and I don't know how many more international agencies are saying.
  • Refusing to even call for a humanitarian pause to let some needed aid enter the enclave

while killing 10 times more civilians, babies, kids and women and causing immensely more suffering for the innocents.

You can't be a genius to see that one evil doesn't give you the right or the moral high ground to commit even greater evil.

preventing humanitarian aid to enter the enclave

Demonstrably not happening, as there are aid convoys in south gaza right now.

preventing humanitarian aid to enter the enclave

I think this is really shitty of Egypt, Jordan, etc to do, yes. Israel and the US tried to get them to take refugees. Took forever to even get them to send aid.

The rest is pretty typical of urban combat, so no, not genocide. If you want civilians to not die in an urban warzone, you ask them to leave the warzone. Urban fighting is ludicrously dangerous.

They let a token number of trucks in to give them a talking point... just like you used it now.

70 trucks were let in since October 7th. The UNRWA had something like 200-500 trucks going in daily before the war...

So normally there would have been 11,000 truck deliveries for humanitarian aid in this window, now there are only 70.. 0.6% of need is satisfied, prewar need at that....

All to give you a talking point.

Are you kidding. How many trucks have been allowed. Do you think they are enough?!? We are talking about 2.5 Mln people.

You are writing all this from the comfort of your own house, people there don't have a roof over their heads. You can't even fathom what conditions they are living in. Are they all deserve to suffer?

How many more civilians need to die to condemn Israel? 10K, 20K, 50K, 1M?

How many trucks have been allowed.

It's weird you think Israel is the cause here

Are they all deserve to suffer?

I would prefer none of this happen, but Hamas does not value human life. It's truly tragic.

I find it very strange that your inference is that I don't care.

I would also leave this here:

Karim Khan said that impeding aid deliveries for Gaza could constitute a war crime and that there must be an effort by Israel to ensure vital supplies are allowed in.

Prior to this, some 500 trucks carrying aid and other goods had entered the territory every day.

So to put things into perspective, for 3 straight weeks only 117 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the enclave.

A division of the Israeli military responsible to overseeing civilian affairs in Gaza (COGAT) said this morning that it would allow increased supplies through the Rafah crossing in the coming days.

Not to mention that the same officials are constantly trying to downplay how grave the situation there is. And today's looting of humanitarian supplies only comes to prove that people there are really desperate!

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Yeah, they let the aid trucks in, the bombed the aid after it had been delivered.

That is a gross misrepresentation.

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The IDF killed its own citizens on October 7th. This is a statement of fact backed by survivors. So whoever deleted my comment stop censoring the truth please

It's less the factual nature and more the presentation and what is implied.

What do you mean presentation?

Trying to diminish multiple massacres with a story about friendly fire, as if those things are at all the same.

You're a bad person and I'm glad I'll never see you again

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