No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? to Ask – 532 points –

I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics.

Why did Trump not withdraw?

Also why isn't he a senator or congressman during Biden's term?


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Write me a pm if you want specific examples.

Why would I PM with you?

I’m interacting with you on a public forum and if you don’t like to do that maybe Lemmy isn’t the right choice of social media for you.

Because I already said I don't want to disclose publicly where I live 😒 🤦.

Your instance and my instance admins can read PMs.

I can publicly post those pictures of our conversations.

Nauru is the smallest country by population and has 12 688 people so you still wouldn’t be doxxed.


Told you. You want examples? PM me.

Why would I PM with you?

I’m interacting with you on a public forum and if you don’t like to do that maybe Lemmy isn’t the right choice of social media for you

I’m not the one asking for examples, I’m the one telling you that you’re full of shit.


Nice conversation.

I told you what my terms are and you refused to accept them, calling me a liar... I can't do more than that 🤷.

No problem, if you can’t continue to have a public conversation you have nothing of value to say anyways.

I don’t seem to have the ability to PM people on my app but if you could PM me with those examples, I’d be very appreciative.
