Mass graves, unclaimed bodies and overcrowded cemeteries. The war robs Gaza of funeral rites to World – 332 points –
Mass graves, unclaimed bodies and overcrowded cemeteries. The war robs Gaza of funeral rites

Palestinians say this war is robbing them not only of their loved ones but also of the funeral rites that long have offered mourners some dignity and closure in the midst of unbearable grief. Israeli strikes have killed so many people so quickly that they’ve overwhelmed hospitals and morgues, making the normal rituals of death all but impossible.

Overflowing morgues have compelled hospitals to bury people before their relatives can claim them. Gravediggers have laid dozens of unidentified bodies side by side in two large backhoe-dug furrows in Gaza City now holding 63 and 46 bodies, respectively, said Mohammed Abu Selmia, the general director of Shifa Hospital.


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Oh, well if some random schmuck on the internet says it isn’t genocide I guess we should ignore the UN human rights expert.

The literal Holocaust scholars warning of genocide probably don’t know what they’re talking about either.

Go home everyone, it’s fine for Israel to blast open as many children as they deem necessary.

Albanese at the UN, who is quoted in your article has a long and documented history of bias against Israel, not to mention the UN itself, which has condemned Israel more than any other nation, even while 300,000 people were being slaughtered in Soudan and Al Assad killed 550,000 of his own citizens (100,000+ were women and children) using chemical weapons - the UN still fixated on the Arab Israeli conflict, which while tragic, has killed at max, an estimated 100,000 over the last 75 years. It is actually one of the least bloody conflicts in modern history. Not that dead civilians is ever a good thing, but if I were to focus all my time and attention on a conflict due to human rights violations or the number of dead babies, there are at least a half a dozen conflicts to focus on before you come to Israel/Palestine.

All I heard was you rapidly scrolling past the literal Holocaust scholars warning about genocide.

I wasn’t going to give that uncredible source and those cherry-picked “holocaust scholars” any credence.

long and documented history of bias against Israel

Translation: they keep opposing our war crimes and apartheid making us look bad boohoo

has a long and documented history of bias against Israel,

The only thing this proves is that Albanese has a functional backbone - unlike you.