Do the people in Reniassance festivals occurring in Britain also speak with faked British accents, or do they use faked French/Italian accents instead? to No Stupid – 411 points –

I'd imagine they fake an American accent. Maybe Burbank, CA?


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I watched a catapult fire projectiles into a castle moat outside of Cardiff at a medieval fair. Also got propositioned by a Welsh girl, but couldn’t understand what she was saying.

  • Yakkie-dah = hello; good morning/day; yes; correct; goodbye
  • Boy-o = boy
  • Ma-fan-way = girl
  • Cmyru-way = motorway
  • Cmyru-shypi = shop
  • Cmyru-foni = phone
  • Cymru-nana = banana
  • Llllllgoogllgoogll-y-cymrnllllll = the/a/I/you/we/us/him/her/them/up/down/this/that/those

Now you can speak Welsh. Well done or, should I say, Yakkie-Cymru.

  • Hello = Shwmae / S'mae
  • Good morning - Bore da
  • Day - Dydd
  • Yes - ydw, ydy (and other words, it's a bit complicated)
  • Correct - iawn
  • Goodbye - hwyl
  • Boy = Bachgen / Hogyn (South Wales / North Wales)
  • Girl = Merch / Hogan (South Wales / North Wales)
  • Motorway - Traffordd
  • Shop - Siop
  • Phone - Ffôn, mobile phone - ffôn symudol
  • Banana - Banana
  • The - y, yr
  • A - (no article)
  • You - chi / ti
  • We - ni
  • Us - ni
  • Him - o
  • Her - hi
  • Them - nhw
  • Up - i'r lan
  • Down - i lawr
  • This - hon / hwn / hyn
  • that - hyna
  • those - hwnnw

I can't be arsed to write the pronunciation in IPA. Just go on Google Translate to hear how it's pronounced or learn Welsh on Duolingo.

Da iawn, rwyt ti'n gallu siarad / ysgrifennu Cymraeg nawr / rŵan! :)