Any recommendations for a 20TB hard drive? to – 88 points –

Hi everyone, I am currently looking for a new hard drive to add to my media server and want to buy a 20TB drive. Now the question is what manufacturers would you recommend or avoid?

As far as I can see it's either Toshiba, Seagate or WD.


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You mean two drives right? Or are you going to risk your 20tb of data on just one?

Hgst is always my answer for quality drives, their enterprise drives are simply the best

I have 3 slots left in my drive bay. It doesn't have to be 1

Quick note - HGST enterprise drives are great but those fuckers are LOUD. I’ve had one in my PC for a number of years and it’s done great, pretty quick too - but I can hear it across the room.

And expensive, a 10TB from them costs as much as a 20TB one from Seagate

Refurbished is the word. I got a Ultrastar DC HC520 (12 TB) with zero hours from eBay for 130€. I guess it was originally intended as a replacement but was never used then and just collected dust. So basically brand new hardware. Sometimes you can even catch one that has still manufacturer warranty. One i saw had 5 years left on it.

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HGST is Always my go to as well, their drives just work and last a really long time in my experience

I used to build usenet clusters, so constant read and writes 24/7. We had like a 2 percent failure rate after 6 years.

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