OnePlus Open review: Should you buy it? - Android Authority

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 45 points –
OnePlus Open review: Should you buy it?

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Friends don't let friends buy OnePlus, but you're not my friends so knock yourselves out.

OnePlus is dead to me after the 6...

The 6 was a beautiful phone, and IMO their last good phone. It lasted me up until this year, and to be honest, my new Pixel is missing features that I love from OP, like the screen gestures for skipping songs.

I wouldn't trust them with another purchase again, though. I loved the 1 and 6, but never again.

Pretty much same boat, I had the one, two, three, and six. I'm on a pixel 7 now. I miss the alert slider and a good finger print scanner

Why not? I had a OnePlus One back in the day and I quite liked it. What happened since to taint its reputation?

The great Iphonization of the OS is my main issue.

It was supposed to be classic Android with a few extra features on top of it.

I had a OnePlus 3 and a OnePlus 7t I know I will not continue on OP.

I was buying this brand mostly for the vanilla like android. These days are over.

I'll give FairPhone a go I think for the next device.

I am on the same boat. Had the op1/2 and have a 6t currently but now my display is broken and the battery is very bad. So I bought a fairphone 5 and am waiting for it's arrival. :)

It's basically an OPPO clone now. Oxygen OS is effectively ColorOS re-marketed. Unless you're chill with Chinese phones and software I would stay far far away.

Even back then OnePlus was sketch as hell. Remember their "ladies, take a pretty selfie and win an OnePlus" campaign?

Misogyny and the tech industry, name a more iconic duo.