Hamas blocks foreign nationals from leaving Gaza

gedaliyah@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 342 points –
Hamas blocks foreign nationals from leaving Gaza

"Officials said that Israel and Egypt were prepared to let foreigners leave the Strip which is under heavy Israeli bombardment, but Hamas had refused."


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if that were true, it would be very easy to actually respond to me instead of just flatly calling me a liar, right?

I did respond, I didn't flatly call you a liar, I was implying that from my perspective your view seems to either be deliberately antagonistic and untrue or you are not receiving accurate coverage of the conflict. I love Jewish people, I'm not an antisemite or desire any sort of death for Jews or any other group for that matter, but the actions of Israel should be condemned, and they have engaged in massive misinformation campaigns related to Palestine for decades. This is not to say I don't also condemn terrorism and killing of civilians by Hamas as well. But it is relevant to examine who is the original aggressor in the conflict and for what reason the conflict began.

You still won't respond to the point that Hamas is, in fact using Palestinians as human shields. you still just abstractly insist that believing that makes me a dumbass and is nothing but Israeli propaganda. But you don't have anything substantive to say.

You condemn terrorism, except on the internet, where you defend it. You don't want people to die, unless Hamas also wants them to die, in which case you'll divert and deflect all you want.

The original aggressor in the current conflict is Hamas. The original aggressor in the region is a complex, hazy question, but it very obviously predates the 1948 date people just love to focus on. Edit: Here's a starting point, if you need one

Why would I respond to baseless points that are leveled against resistance groups without fail EVERY TIME there is a conflict like this? It's tired, I'm not that young, I've heard all of this already. What is your basis for saying Hamas has been purposely using Palestinians as human shields? I would have the same discussion in person, I'm open with my beliefs. I don't want Hamas to kill anyone FFS, I'm a Buddhist and a vegetarian, I don't even want someone to kill a fly, putting words in my mouth is not a useful way to win an argument.

I'm not going to debate with anybody evil enough to call the rapists and baby-murderers at Hamas a "resistance group." If you're intentionally going to spread pro-Hamas propaganda, you can go fuck yourself.

You haven't even attempted any sort of debate at all or even seem to have read my posts so I will gladly go fuck myself instead of wasting my time.

You condemn terrorism, except on the internet, where you defend it. You don’t want people to die, unless Bibi also wants them to die, in which case you’ll divert and deflect all you want.

Bibi is a piece of shit, and that is not a defense of Hamas or its use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. If you're not going to try, don't bother commenting.

You think IDF doesn't use human shields? Their headquarters is where exactly?

You are so in a bubble you can't tell your head from your ass.

Go away piece of shit genocide cheerleader

why would the IDF use human shields? That doesn't even make any sense as the people they're fighting literally targeted a music festival, they don't care about killing civilians. Secondly Israel is using precision guided munitions but Hamas rockets don't even have the accuracy to reliably hit a city let alone to target military infrastructure.

You sound like you've picked a side and will try to say anything to rationalize it, life isn't that simple I'm afraid.

You sound like you have only become aware of this after Oct 7. I have picked a side for sure it's just not the one you are implying. I am on the side of less people being blown up, shot or otherwise killed.

As it stands right now the vast majority of death and oppression is coming from Israel. It's pretty simple really. They have all the power and continue the slaughter for decades on end.

It's not your fault that the vast majority of news and political speech has been strictly pro-israel for decades and that has colored your view.

If you can look at this and keep parroting the "precision munitions" talking point you might need to check your biases. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/middleeast/satellite-images-gaza-destruction/index.html

Also how much has the Israeli death toll gone up after Oct 7? Ya might wanna look it up if you think those Hamas rockets are raining down as much death as Israeli rockets do.

No I've been following the complexities of the issue for a long time so I understand that it's not a simple as you seem to think. I actually went on a pro Palestine march last time it happened because I was so caught up in the very heavily pushed idea that Israel is evil and the Palestinians are just trying to live normal lives - the more I've followed the situation and attempts at moving forward the more I've come to realise that actually Israel is trying far harder than most countries would to make peace while most the mayor powers in the middle East are actively working against these efforts.

You're pushing the childish notion that the winner in a fight is always the aggressor and that makes no sense. Israel can't just stop fighting and the situation ends - or do you just want them to wait until they've got enough dead to look like victims in your eyes?

You are the one acting childish here when you ignore the apartheid conditions. Why have 120 west bank Palestinians been killed by the IDF since Oct 7? Hamas isn't there so what's the excuse? I mean those horrible west back civilians not wanting their homes stolen by settlers ( aka civian shields for the IDF muscle ) are so deserving of it if they get upset. There is no parity in this situation. Israel is only putting up the barest lip service of trying for peace and you are falling for it.

You didn't follow your prescription in response to my comment. So I feel your comment is just a flat out lie and you would be a liar by extension.

You said "human shields" is propaganda, without explaining how you thought it was false.

I broke down the actual truth in a fair bit of detail.

You just said "nope, propaganda stupid!"

So no, I was pretty fair with you. If you still don't have anything substantive to say, you can fuck off now.

No I called you high.

Israel’s strikes are the most targeted fucking strikes you’ve ever seen a military do,

Are you high? https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/25/middleeast/satellite-images-gaza-destruction/index.html

Flattening whole communities is as targeted as using a shotgun to kill a fly.

In other news:

Bibi just called for a genocide by referring to Palestine as Amalak. If you know your torah you know what that references but if you don't he was kind enough to spell out the verse. Netanyahu quoted from First Samuel 15:3, saying, "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 'Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys'" The invocation of this biblical passage serves not only as a historical reference but also as a genocidal lens through which the Prime Minister views the current conflict.

I'm not on the side of genocide. You sure seem to be however. I'd say that makes you a piece of shit human being.

Is that substantive enough for your goose-stepping ass?

PS. You are still a deliberate liar.