Trump allies are finally admitting election lies were all made up. But the conspiracies still fuel US politics to politics – 437 points –
Trump election lies still fuel US politics – even after Georgia allies flip

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It's not always a lack of intellect on their part. Its the primacy of emotional processes like fear such that intellect is subordinated to those emotional processes.

A person who is quick to anger and slow to understand can be more succinctly described as "fucking stupid" or simply "conservative".

Ah, good ole' "never attribute to malice that which can explained away by treating other people as subhuman trash so you don't have to put intelligent thought into your beliefs".

Or as "a man." Quick to anger I mean - that's the one thing all my male friends have in common. And the one thing I've worked to overcome mostly - not being so quick to anger. And being willing to have other emotions that feel much better in my life.

In at least some cases, they knew emotionally and intellectually, and didn’t care. They repeated a lie knowingly, because they were mad their bully in chief wasn’t reappointed by the flipping EC, which both sides are finally admitting are a detriment to democracy.