Chrome finally lets you move the address bar to the bottom, but not on Android

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 158 points –
Chrome finally lets you move the address bar to the bottom, but not on Android

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Omg, why not for Android too? It's way easier to reach bottom than the top.

It actually exists in the codebase, but is disabled. 'The feature is not yet available for Android but was previously tested on the platform.'

Cromite browser let's you do this.

Use Firefox. And also switch away from Google as your search engine. DuckDuckGo is great but if you want Google search results, try Startpage, it’s a meta search engine for Google. Whoogle is also an option, it’s essentially a proxy for Google searches. But for me, DuckDuckGo’s results are totally fine, I’m able to find anything I need.