Chrome finally lets you move the address bar to the bottom, but not on Android

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 158 points –
Chrome finally lets you move the address bar to the bottom, but not on Android

Just wanted to mention that Firefox and Mull for Android allow you to do that. They are also much better than Chrome or any Chromium based browser, as they allow proper adblockers and they don't support Google's monopoly on the browser rendering engines which is just bad for the open internet in general. Mull also significantly improves your privacy by using many patches from the Tor Browser.

The only downside to using Firefox on Android is that Google search results can take forever to load unless you clear site cookies. And Google Image search is awful.

However that's all fixed if you use Duck Duck Go instead.

You shouldn't use Google anyway. Honestly, fuck Google and their surveillance ecosystem. If you want Google search results, try Startpage, it's a meta search engine for Google. Whoogle is also an option, it's essentially a proxy for Google searches. But for me, DuckDuckGo's results are totally fine, I'm able to find anything I need.

i believe that's all fixed if you install the Google Search Fixer, or at least ive never had problems using google search on firefox android after installing that

I believe that it's also fixed by just using DuckDuckGo. Fuck Google, if you want Google search results, try Startpage, itโ€™s a meta search engine for Google. Whoogle is also an option, itโ€™s essentially a proxy for Google searches. But for me, DuckDuckGoโ€™s results are totally fine, Iโ€™m able to find anything I need.

Or Kagi. I couldn't do DDG but Kagi was good enough for me to finally switch off of Google.

or use bing, I've switched to bing recently and it's be come an overall. more enjoyable experience. Of course, using something like Duck Duck go instead of using a big company alternative is better in any case.

Why would you use Bing except for the AI features which are only available on Edge anyway? At that point, why not use DuckDuckGo? It will give you the exact same search results as Bing without invading your privacy and selling your data.

Why would Google code for its opponent's OS first? Not that I use Chrome, anyway. Firefox has had that feature for ages.

Does it matter? The iOS app and Android app are almost certainly made by two different teams that operate independently.

Probably because safari has it that way by default.

The reason is probably really mundane, like the iOS Chrome team and Android Chrome team not working in lockstep or something of the sort. Like the iOS team planned it for 2023 Q4 and the Android team for 2024 Q1

The technology just isn't there yet

It used to be able to do it via an experimental feature, then they took that feature away.

It smacks of some VP of product development hating on the concept, despite it being optional, and wont back down over the decision. Most likely they used the navigation buttons on the bottom and this caused their great big sausage fingers a problem.

It was a joke

Yes, I was aware, just hijacking the top comment as not everybody would have been aware it was actually fucking possible in the past

Swore there was a flag that allowed you to do this years ago.

Chromium Forks like Cromite and Brave have this feature already.

I've been using cromite for months! how did I not know about this??

Being at the bottom makes more sense on today's larger phones. I'm just so used to it being at the top it's hard to get used to it being at the bottom of the screen.

It never made sense to me, UX wise, to be up on handheld devices (one handed ones especially).

lol, if chrome isn't going to allow it on android then what's the point? Safari offers it (if it's the only feature you care about), and is a lot better then chrome.

Omg, why not for Android too? It's way easier to reach bottom than the top.

It actually exists in the codebase, but is disabled. 'The feature is not yet available for Android but was previously tested on the platform.'

Cromite browser let's you do this.

Use Firefox. And also switch away from Google as your search engine. DuckDuckGo is great but if you want Google search results, try Startpage, itโ€™s a meta search engine for Google. Whoogle is also an option, itโ€™s essentially a proxy for Google searches. But for me, DuckDuckGoโ€™s results are totally fine, Iโ€™m able to find anything I need.

funny enough.. it was a feature flag to move it to the bottom on android for a while before but they removed that too

I didn't know bottom-address-bar was a thing, but I hate it

It's amazing, and there's a reason Firefox has had it as the default for years.

I hate having to reach to the top of my 7" phone to type in an address.


My initial gut reaction is that it's ugly ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ apparently it has its admirers, but I'm definitely not one of them

It's just about usability. Top of phones are hard to reach nowadays, so the more UI elements that are towards the bottom the better!

It's a quality of life improvement. You wouldn't worry about the looks of a screwdriver if it's better than your old one.