Mitch McConnell warns GOP senators they’ll face ‘incoming’ if they back Hawley bill to limit corporate giving in campaigns to politics – 546 points –
Mitch McConnell warns GOP senators they’ll face ‘incoming’ if they back Hawley bill to limit corporate giving in campaigns | CNN Politics

Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell bluntly warned Republican senators in a private meeting not to sign on to a bill from Sen. Josh Hawley aimed at limiting corporate money bankrolling high-powered outside groups, telling them that many of them won their seats thanks to the powerful super PAC the Kentucky Republican has long controlled.


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What's the catch? What is Hawley's new source of funds that he has and the Establishment GOP doesn't have? There's no way in hell that seditious pigfucker would cut off the money supply unless he's got a private source.

As I understand it, the more extreme nutcases like Hawley and MTG get much more of their funding from small donations. They make the news for saying insane shit and being controversial, spread their crazy bullshit on social media, and then get money pouring in from around the country.

I think it's clear at this point that the MAGA Republicans are willing to undermine their party as a whole if it fits their agenda. What do they care, anyone who isn't 100% loyal to their movement is just a RINO anyway, right?

Maybe I'm being overly optimistic but it's at least possible he just thinks it's wrong. He's a grade A schmuck but like it or not he is a senator. Maybe this could create bipartisan support to over turn Citizens United.

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